
While not a comprehensive list, here's a starting point to get connected with the local community and other resources to learn more about vegetarianism and animal rights.

Bay Area Groups

Bay Area Vegetarians - supports vegetarianism through CARE: building Community (events, mailing lists), Advocacy for vegetarianism & compassionate treatment of farmed animals, Resources for veg*n living, and Education. Free membership, too! (415) 57-VEG-57
Animal Switchboard
Asians for Humans, Animals and Nature , San Francisco, (415) 221-5733 ext 3
Berkeley Organization for Animal Advocacy (BOAA) Cal student group against animal research.
Citizens for Cruelty Free Circuses (650) 369-5533
Monthly potlucks.
East Bay Animal Advocates dynamic organization protecting all animals
Food Empowerment Project
Marin Vegetarian Education Group (415) 459-1666
Organic Athletes
Queer Vegetarian Society of San Francisco Social group of LGBT vegetarians in San Francisco and the Bay Area.
S.F. LiFE - San Francisco Living Foods Enthusiasts (415) 751-2806
San Francisco Vegetarian Society (415) 273-LIV1

Eating Out

BAV Monthly Eat-Out dinners - happening in Peninsula, SF, East Bay, South Bay, and North Bay
BAV: The Ultimate Guide to Vegetarian Living in the San Francisco Bay Area
Peninsula Macrobiotic Community - weekly Monday dinners in Palo Alto.

Local Resources

BAARN - Bay Area Animal Rights Network.
BAVeg Event Calendar - find or list local veg & animal rights events
EcoVegEvents Calendar - environmental and veg/animal rights events
Generation Vegan - Voice of the vegan generation - podcast and blog by two vegan advocates. Sharing ideas and strategies that work for them when doing outreach, thoughts on everday vegan living, and other happenings in their lives
IndyBay: Animal Liberation – news and events at Indybay
PAW PAC - California's political action committee for animals
Public Transit trip planner - makes it easy to plan your trip with local transit!
Secrets of Vegan Baking Learn the secrets of baking delicious vegan desserts - videos, local classes, recipes
Soy Happy! - consumer advocacy org. promoting vegetarian fare
State & Federal Legislators - contact 'em!
The Empathy Project - Bay Area humane education presentation.
Ultimate Guide to Vegetarian Living in the SF Bay Area - your guide to vegetarian foods, services, and more!
Veg Peace Vegetarian Nonviolence Vegan Nutrition Raw Food Recipes
Veggie Mentor Program - for new, aspiring, or lapsed vegetarians to seek advice and suggestions from veggie mentors/buddies.
VegVideo - TV show, plays in many local cities and throughout the U.S.

Other California Groups and Resources

Animal Place , Vacaville, (707) 449-4814
Farm Sanctuary , Orland, (530) 865-4617
GoVegan Radio Show
In Defense of Animals
Sacramento Valley Vegetarians
Sacramento Vegetarian Society (916) 554-7090
Solano and Yolo Counties Vegetarian Society - led by Animal Place (707) 449-4814
Vegan Voices Grassroots educational activism (Sonoma County) 707-545-3031


Cooking Classes and Recipes

Secrets of Vegan Baking Vegan Baking classes
BAVeg Vegan Food Parties Recipes
Bay Area Vegan/Vegetarian Catering Companies
Cooking Classes in San Anselmo by Patti Breitman, director of Marin VEG
CurrySutra Cooking Classes (San Mateo area)
IVU searchable database (over 1800 recipes in English)
Radha Vignola (Santa Cruz area)
Spice by the bay Cooking Classes
The Post Punk Kitchen - 100's of great recipes from the producers of a fantastic vegan cooking show in NYC.


BAVeg Resources
